Monday, June 15, 2015

Back home again

We got home on Saturday and now have time and internet connection to add images! Below find pictures of the following: The group with Nia and Ismoyo, our contemporary batik instructors, after lunch at a tea plantation. The lovely ladies at Mankunagaran Palace in Surakarta, Java. With our Balinese drawing instructor, Ketut Lisbet and his assistant. At a performance venue in Peliatan, they let us go on stage after the event ended. Sunrise in Amed, Bali. The ladies in front of the orchid garden at the airport in Singapore.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Last Day in Ubud

After our wonderful painting workshop where everyone tried their hand at modern Balinese painting with bamboo pens and brushes we finally had two days off in a row. On their days off everyone was finishing up projects and doing their last shopping in Ubud. Tomorrow we leave for the coastal town of Amed for some snorkeling and presenting to each other all that we done for our classes.

This morning we had our last workshop which was making the traditional Balinese offerings.  Balinese make offerings every day in a huge variety of sizes and designs. Even the most basic offering proved to be quite a challenge for us. Balinese women can spend many hours a day preparing and giving offerings in their home and for temples nearby. Most start learning these skills when they are six years old.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Back in Bali

We are back in Bali for the last days of our trip. The day before yesterday we visited the Neka Museum to see contemporary Balinese Art and had a jewelry workshop in the afternoon where everyone was able to make all these lovely treasures.

Yesterday was another busy day where we visited two ancient temples, the puppet and mask museum and had a fun stopping at a mask carver were we got to try on his excellent masks.